How Your Car Is Increasing the Risk of Skin Cancer

In the pursuit of outdoor activities, we've become well-versed in the importance of sunscreen for protection against the sun's harmful rays. However, a lesser-known risk factor for skin cancer has recently emerged, and it's not on the hiking trail or at the beach – it's in your car. A study published a few years back in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology shed light on the unsuspecting contributor to skin cancer and cataracts: your car's windows, particularly the side windows. Let’s explore this risk and discuss a potential solution – ceramic window tint.

The Window Dilemma

The revelations from the study highlighted a nuanced challenge in the realm of UV exposure and its implications for skin health. Our cars, despite being a haven of convenience, may be exposing us to an increased risk of skin cancer and cataracts, courtesy of the windows. Unlike windshields, which are designed with two layers of glass and a UV protective blocking material, side windows offer a single layer with no UV protection. This vulnerability allows UVA rays, a major player in skin cancer development, to sneak in with potentially harmful consequences.

Let’s quickly look through the specific types of ultraviolet (UV) rays involved: UVA and UVB.

1. UVA Rays and Skin Cancer:

The vulnerability of side windows lies in their inability to block UVA rays effectively. UVA rays, with longer wavelengths, penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB rays. While UVB rays are a primary cause of sunburn, UVA rays play a significant role in the development of skin cancer. They can reach the dermis, the skin's deepest layer, and contribute to the formation of free radicals, which are implicated in skin aging and cancer progression.

2. UVB Rays and Immediate Skin Damage:

Conversely, the front windshield, designed with two layers of glass and a UV protective blocking material, offers a considerable level of protection. UVB rays, with shorter wavelengths, are more effectively blocked by glass. UVB rays are responsible for causing immediate damage like sunburn and are a key factor in the development of skin cancers, including melanoma.

3. Highway Hazards

For individuals spending extensive hours driving, this revelation holds significant implications. Long-distance truck drivers, for instance, have long been noted to experience higher rates of skin cancer due to prolonged exposure behind the wheel. The risk, however, extends beyond the cross-country haulers. Statistics revealing higher rates of skin cancers on the left side of the face and more cataracts in the left eye indicate that even regular commuters may be susceptible to the effects of extended sun exposure while driving. The risks associated with extended sun exposure during drives aren't limited to the driver alone. Passengers, whether on a leisurely road trip or a daily commute, are equally exposed to the potential harms of UVA rays penetrating through side windows. While drivers may experience more direct exposure due to their positioning, passengers are by no means spared from the cumulative effects of prolonged UV exposure.

Ceramic Window Tint as a Protective Shield

In the face of this newfound risk, the question arises: how can individuals protect themselves during their daily commutes or long road trips? The answer lies in ceramic window tint. Unlike conventional tints, ceramic window tint offers advanced protection against UV rays, making it an ideal solution for mitigating the risks associated with extended hours behind the wheel.

Benefits of Ceramic Window Tint:

Enhanced UV Protection: Ceramic window tint is specifically engineered to provide superior protection against UV rays. For instance, Kavaca window films which block up to 99% of UVA and UVB rays, acts as a reliable shield for the occupants of the vehicle, minimizing the risk of skin cancer and cataracts.

Temperature Control: In addition to UV protection, ceramic window tint contributes to better temperature control within the vehicle. By reducing the amount of sunlight entering the car, it helps regulate the interior temperature, making for a more comfortable driving experience.

Glare Reduction: Ceramic tint also excels in reducing glare, enhancing visibility and safety, especially during long drives or under intense sunlight conditions.


It’s crucial to address the hidden risk posed by car windows, especially for those who spend extended periods driving. Whether you're a daily commuter or planning a cross-country road trip, considering the installation of ceramic window tint becomes a prudent step in safeguarding your health.

When it comes to ensuring the quality and effectiveness of ceramic window tint installation, VIP Auto Spa stands out as the premier choice in Reno. Renowned for our expertise, commitment to excellence, and use of top-tier films, we take the lead in providing optimal protection for your vehicle's occupants. With meticulous attention to detail and a dedication to customer satisfaction, trust us to transform the road ahead into a safer and more comfortable journey. Get in touch today!


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